Academic affairs department (hereinafter “Department”) is the basic branch of the University structure and carries out academic and methodological work. The department has been formed with the aim of effective realization of the aims set in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On education” and national personnel training programme as well as academic and methodological educational provision in preparation of highly qualified specialists.
The main direction of the department activity is provision of effective organization of academic process in the University.
Main tasks and functions of the department:
• effective organization and provision of educational process in the University;
• implementation of a unified strategy of the university to address the organizational issues of the educational process;
• participation in the study of regulatory documents that optimize the educational process and the preparation of proposals for their improvement and implementation;
• coordination of compliance with the activities of faculties, departments and other departments to ensure an effective educational process;
• generalization of reports of faculties and departments on the educational process, preparation of university reports and execution of relevant documents;
• control over the movement of the university contingent
• monitoring of summarizing and execution of schedule of hours on the subjects taught at directions and specialties of the University, registration of the lists (forms) of the salary on full- and part-time rate;
• signing contracts with professors and teachers on part-time basis;
• study of realization of the curricula for the academic year and semesters;
• conducting academic and methodological research on further improvement of the educational process;
• wide implementation of information technologies and methods for providing high level of organization of the educational process and popularization of best practices;
• assisting in organization of professional training;
• development of recommendations on effective organization of methodological provision of the subjects taught at the University;
• development and implementation of recommendations on methodological and organizational issues of the educational process;
• study of the condition of methodological support of the subjects taught at the University departments, their preparation to discussion in the set dates;
• development of recommendations on organization of methodological provision of new subjects, included in the present curricula and study of their status in the departments;
• study of delivery of educational materials on subjects in curricula;
• conducting research on methodological improvement of educational process and organization of academic seminars for their implementation;
• organization of work of the University's Admission Commission;
• preparation of recruitment offers for stuff members for performing their official tasks, as well as submitting them to vice rector on academic affairs;
• request and receive documents and materials related to educational process or other departments of the University;
• representation of the University on education issues in collaboration with state and private organizations, as well as with other entities, organizations and institutions;
• conducting meetings on educational process and participation in similar meetings;
• provision of explanations, recommendations and instructions on educational process;
• use of other rights and authorities enacted by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.