"Social-economic development of regions: international experiences, problems and solutions" will be held by Kimyo International University in Tashkent on May 25-26, 2023
According to the defined tasks of Decree No. PF-60 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoev “On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022 – 2026”, the Decree No. 4702 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 1, 2020 “On the Introduction of the Rating Evaluation System of Socio-Economic Development of Territories”, the Decrees: No. PQ-4102 dated January 8, 2019 “On additional measures to further improve the activities of sectors for comprehensive socio-economic development of regions” and No. PQ-3182 dated August 8, 2017 “Priority measurements to ensure rapid socio-economic development of regions”, the Decree No. 536 issued in Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 23, 2021, “On Measurements for the Implementation of the System for Assessing the Performance of Sectors for Comprehensive Socio-Economic Development of Territories”, with the aim of implementing the Development Strategy for New Uzbekistan, identifying scientific problems and solutions for the development of the national economy and ensuring international macroeconomic stability, socio-economic complex development of regions, Kimyo International University in Tashkent is pleased to announce its plans to host an international scientific and practical conference on the topic of “Socio-economic Development of Regions: International Experience, Problems, and Solutions”. The conference will be held on May 25-26, 2023 in the city of Namangan.
At the international conference, the University's international partners – Universities Great Britain Strathclyde, Cardiff Metropolitan, NILE; Mara University of Technology in Malaysia, Roosevelt University in the USA, Varna Management University in Bulgaria, Hanyang, Gachon, Hankyong National Universities in South Korea, Nejmittin Erbakan University in Turkey, and a number of universities in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other universities of CIS countries, as well as the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other higher educational institutions, interested ministries and agencies, various public organizations, representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Uzbekistan are expected to participate.
The international conference will be held in offline and online modes at Namangan branch of Kimyo International University in Tashkent. Foreign and local scientists, academic staff, professors, in-service specialists, researchers and students can participate in it with their articles and theses. The Zoom program for distance participation:
Zoom Meeting:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89815263489?pwd=bkhtRlNxL3E3SnZCTU1oSFNHcHJNQT09 ID conference: 898 1526 3489 Access code: 1.
The work of the conference affiliates will be focused on the problems and their solutions in the following priority areas:
1. Problems of managing complex socio-economic development of regions.
2. Priority directions of state policy related to the development of innovative entrepreneurship, provision of employment and reduction in poverty.
3. Directions for boosting regional competitiveness of the economy and investment activity.
4. Achieving financial independence of the regions and developing the banking and financial sector.
5. Improvement of modern mechanisms of social infrastructure development in the regions.
6. Environmental situation in the regions and directions of development of «green economy».
It is planned to publish the recommendations of the results of this conference as a collection of scientific articles for free.
Requirements for accepting scientific articles:
I. The content of the scientific article must include the following:
1.1. Topic annotation and keywords.
1.2. Relevance of the research topic.
1.3. Review of literature on the subject.
1.4. Ways to solve the problem.
1.5. Science-based suggestions and recommendations.
1.6. Expected economic impact.
1.7. Reference list
II. The document must be edited and comply with all technical requirements of the clearance, including:
- text editor – MS Word 2007, 2010;
- page – in A4 size, in the form of a book, 20mm left on all sides;
- font – Times New Roman, size (kegl) – 14;
- line spacing and spacing at the beginning of the letter – 1.5;
- the length of the article is at least 5 pages;
- in the upper right corner, the author's full surname, first and last name, academic degree and title, position, name of the organization, and the name of the scientific material are written in the middle (in bold letters);
- all tables, charts and pictures should be in MS Word format, in Times New Roman font, their name should be below the chart and pictures, above the tables;
- all graphics, diagrams must be in MSExcel format;
- formulas must be written in MS Equation editor;
- sources should be indicated in tables, pictures and graphics, and references to them in the text;
- links are placed at the bottom of each page;
- scientific article can be written in Uzbek, Russian or English.
III. Scientific articles and theses, filled out with a questionnaire, must be sent only in electronic form at http://conference.kiut.uz/ by April 25, 2023.
IV. Submitted scientific articles and theses will be examined according to the above-mentioned requirements, including anti-plagiarism websites (www.antiplagiat.ru, www.text.ru). Admitted theses and articles will be included in the electronic collection for publication and placed on the official website www.kiut.uz.
Address of the organizing committee: 156 Usman Nasir street, Yakkasaroy district, Tashkent city, 100121; 75 Chortoq street, Namangan city. Contact phone numbers: 78-129-40-40 (121), 69-210-40-40 (114)
1. Surname, first name
2. Place of work (study) and position (full)
3. Academic degree and title
4. Phone number (mobile) and e-mail
5. Title of the article
6. The name of a branch the article is presented