Primary Education

Primary education is the initial stage of general secondary education. Primary education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is the initial period of teaching children in grades 1-4 and their spiritual development. It is important to determine the content of education. 
The direction of primary education is a direction of professional training of future primary school teachers for grades 1-4 in public and private schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at increasing their role in society, training on new innovative technologies, and mastering information technologies and foreign languages.
This educational program provides theoretical and practical support for acquiring the knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary for a primary school teacher based on the requirements of state educational standards. Future elementary school teachers thoroughly learn the pedagogical theory, teaching methodology, and cognitive processes according to the theory of primary education and actively participate in educational and pedagogical practices. Also, based on the course curriculum, students learn foreign and Korean languages perfectly. 
In the future, a student studying in the field of primary education will become a leading, competitive specialist of his field who can carry out pedagogical activities in multifaceted, general secondary education, and non-state educational institutions. 
Tashkent Kimyo International University cares not only about providing theoretical knowledge to its students, but also about their ability to use this knowledge in future work activities. Therefore, special attention is paid to processes such as the formation and development of practical skills in them, as well as the organization of practical training in prestigious educational institutions, together with theoretical knowledge.