"Exact Sciences" department

       The "Exact Sciences" department of the Namangan branch of Kimyo International University in Tashkent was founded in 2021 and is the first department established in the branch. The main goal of the department is to organize educational, teaching-methodological, and scientific work in accordance with the educational standards of the department's subjects with deep theoretical and practical knowledge.
Subjects such as "Mathematics for Economics", "Basics of Statistics", "Econometrics", "Elementary Mathematics", "Computer Science," and "Basics of Programming," presented by the professors and teachers of the department in the curriculum for students of almost all branches of education, are taught in Uzbek and Russian. Lessons are conducted according to the working program (syllabus), and the subjects are based on the introduced lesson schedule. The teaching materials prepared by the teachers of the department are placed in the "Moodle" system.
The main tasks of the department are:
•    training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with educational standards;
•    providing quality theoretical and practical knowledge;
•    organization of educational and teaching-methodical work at a high level;
•    conducting scientific research in mathematics and information technologies.

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Shoyusupov Shokirjon Azizovich
Shoyusupov Shokirjon Azizovich
Head of Chair

Tursunov Anvarjon Maxmudxojayevich
Tursunov Anvarjon Maxmudxojayevich
Senior Lecturer

Ismandjanov Olimjon Tohirjon o‘g‘li
Ismandjanov Olimjon Tohirjon o‘g‘li

Bekzod Khalilov Axmatovich
Bekzod Khalilov Axmatovich