Department of Foreign Languages

  The mission of the department is to train highly qualified specialists. The curriculum includes both theoretical and practical aspects of learning English, Korean and Russian languages.
The main task of the department is the organization and implementation at a qualitative level of educational, methodological and scientific work on the preparation of highly professional specialists with deep theoretical and applied knowledge and competencies in accordance with educational standards; scientific research on the profile of the department, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
Training is carried out in the form of practical classes according to the approved schedule based on Sullabi. Teachers of the department prepare educational materials that are posted on the Moodle platform. Student performance is analyzed using a variety of traditional and alternative assessment tools.
The department cooperates with both local and foreign universities and organizations. The department regularly holds meetings, scientific and practical conferences, scientific seminars and trainings on the methods of teaching foreign languages and prepares the publication of abstracts and articles in scientific journals with a high impact factor and Scopus. 

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Alimova Mamura Habibullayevna
Alimova Mamura Habibullayevna
Head of Chair

Gabdulhakova Rasima Faridovna
Gabdulhakova Rasima Faridovna
Associate Professor of the Department

Kuchkarova Yana Davidovna
Kuchkarova Yana Davidovna
Senior Lecturer

Nabiyev Sherzodbek Habibillo O'g'li
Nabiyev Sherzodbek Habibillo O'g'li