Pre-school Education

The preschool education course is a course that prepares competitive specialists who will take their place in society. It is professional training of future teachers-pedagogues for the educational process intended for public and private preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, increasing their role in society, training based on new innovative technologies and information. aimed at mastering technologies and foreign languages. 

This educational program provides theoretical and practical assistance in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for educators-pedagogues of preschool educational institutions based on the requirements of state educational standards. The future educators-pedagogues maturely adapt pedagogical theory, teaching methodology, and knowledge processes according to the theory of preschool education and actively participate in educational and pedagogical activities. Also, students study foreign and Korean languages on the basis of the curriculum.

In the future, a student studying preschool education will become a leading, competitive specialist of his field, capable of conducting pedagogical activities in preschool educational institutions, and non-state educational institutions.