The department of "Economics"

     The department of "Economics" of Kimyo International University in Tashkent, Namangan branch, was established in 2022.
The main purpose of the department.
Experts at the level of role models of advanced countries worldwide who think independently and have high moral and ethical standards, including international level economists, accountants, marketers, finance specialists, and banking specialists, put the task of training managers on the agenda as the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan transitions to market relations.
In order to develop professional individuals with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with international standards in the disciplines under the department's scope, it requires the qualitative organization of educational, teaching-methodological, and scientific investigation.
For students of international economic relations, business management, finance, international marketing, accounting, and banking, disciplines as  "Finance, Microeconomics, Business Law, Principles of Management, Money, Credit, and Banks, International economic relations, green economics and environment, accounting fundamentals, management fundamentals, marketing fundamentals, and basic accounting are all taught in Uzbek and Russian. The presented teaching program serves as the foundation for the working program (syllabus) that is used to conduct lessons. Also, the department's professors and teachers have uploaded instructional materials on the Moodle platform.
The main tasks of the department:
• training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with educational standards;
• providing quality theoretical and practical knowledge;
• organization of educational and teaching-methodical work at a high level;
• to carry out scientific research on economic direction and sectors.

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Dadaboyev Tolkinjon Yusupjonovich
Dadaboyev Tolkinjon Yusupjonovich
Head of Chair

Karimov Sardor Nasirjon ugli
Karimov Sardor Nasirjon ugli